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NLP: Twitter Sentiment Analysis (2): Perform Exploratory Data Analysis

Welcome to NLP: Twitter Sentiment Analysis (2)!

Project summary:

In this series, NLP: Twitter Sentiment Analysis, we're going to train a Naive Bayes classifier to predict sentiment from thousands of Twitter tweets.
This project could be practically used by any company with social media presence to automatically predict customer's sentiment (i.e.: whether their customers are happy or not).
The process could be done automatically without having humans manually review thousands of tweets and customer reviews.

Let's go.

1. Create heatmap

  • Use seaborn to create heatmap showing the distribution of the tweets that is null:

sns.heatmap(tweets_df.isnull(), yticklabels = False, cbar = False, cmap="Blues")

sns calls seaborn library to perform heatmap function to generate a heatmap.

tweets_df.isnull() defines the data showing on the heatmap is the count of tweets that is null, which has no content.

yticklabels = False means no y-axis label is showing.

cbar = False controls the color bar to be invisible on the heatmap.

cmap="Blues" defines the color of the heatmap to be blue.


▲ If you find the result is an empty heatmap, don't worry. It's because our tweets data does not contain any null item. You're doing correctly!

2. Plot histogram

  • Create a histogram that showing the count of tweets with label 0 or 1 in red color.

tweets_df.hist(bins = 30, figsize = (13,5), color = 'r')

tweets_df calls pandas function hist() to generate a histogram.

bins sets the number of bars, the more bars, the thinner each bar is.

figsize defines the size of the histogram in term of inches for a (width, height) format.

color now sets as 'r', means red.


3. Create countplot

  • Use seaborn to make a countplot showing the count of tweets with label 0 or 1:

sns.countplot(tweets_df['label'], label = "Count")

sns calls seaborn library to perform countplot function to generate a countplot.

tweets_df['label'] is the data to plot counts for, it's the label column of the tweets file.

label = "Count" is the label text of the y-axis.


4. Get length of each tweets

  • Create a new column "length" to get the length of each tweet:

tweets_df['length'] = tweets_df['tweet'].apply(len)

tweets_df['length'] creates a new column 'length'.

We use tweets_df['tweet'] column to call apply(len) function to generate a new column length, which contains the length of each tweet.


  • Then, when you type the following command, you'll see the updated statistics for the length column:



5. View the shortest tweet

  • From the statistics above, we knew that the shortest tweet has a length of 11, so here we get that message using 11 as a searching criteria:

tweets_df[tweets_df['length'] == 11]['tweet'].iloc[0]

tweets_df[tweets_df['length'] == 11] creates a new dataframe showing only the rows that the length column has a value of 11.

['tweet'] means showing only the value in the tweet column.

iloc[0] means show only the text content of the tweet without any additional information.

Although the length states '11', it includes the blank space.


▲ Surprise, the shortest tweet is a very sweet message!

6. Alternative to plot histogram

  • Apart from tweets_df.hist(bins = 30, figsize = (13,5), color = 'r'), there's another way to create histogram:

tweets_df['length'].plot(bins = 100, kind = 'hist')

tweets_df calls pandas function plot() to generate a plot.

bins sets the number of bars, the more bars, the thinner each bar is.

So in this case, bins = 100 is much thinner than bins = 30.

kind now sets as 'hist', means the plot type would be histogram.


Congratulations on completing this tutorial!

Never hesitate to seek further knowledge or ask questions.

See you in NLP: Twitter Sentiment Analysis (3)!

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